Sindelfingen Campus
The Sindelfingen Campus was established in 2003 to serve the needs of businesses and families in the thriving Böblingen/Sindelfingen area southwest of Stuttgart. Featuring a small community ratio of teachers to students, classes, (a maximum of only 22 students per class), are taught in mixed age groups, primarily in the Early Years and Primary school and also in select classes in the Middle Years. The Sindelfingen Campus offers the International Baccalaureate, Primary Years Program in Early Years and Grades 1-5, and the Middle Years Program (MYP) in Grades 6-10.
Student engagement here begins with language. The Sindelfingen Campus enjoys a dual-language / interlingual learning environment in which home and family languages are celebrated and actively encouraged. All students have opportunities to experience both English and German classroom teaching. English language learners are supported in small group classes and all home and family languages are recognised and valued. Spanish is offered in the Middle Years.
The caring and dedicated teachers inspire a joy for learning as they model working together in a team to meet the individual needs, abilities and learning styles of each student.
Our students know that their teachers care not only about their academic achievement, but also how they grow as a person.
Known for its dedication to experiential and project-based learning, visitors often observe students creating and collaborating within a uniquely close-knit community that embraces and celebrates its intercultural diversity as well as academic achievement.
Students on the Sindelfingen Campus come to understand the relevance of all they learn through an extraordinary network of opportunities with local businesses and cultural institutions. Students become well-connected to one of the oldest communities in southern Germany.
Can’t decide if you want to learn more English or German? Then this is the place for you! Here we learn using both. In my classes I have a German and an English language teacher who work together to make the learning just right for me. If you speak another language, like me, that is great too and the school has ways of supporting me. In the Middle Years I can also learn Spanish. I know my teachers really care about me and want me to succeed!

Our Facilities
The Sindelfingen Campus is housed in a modern former bank building that brings a unique and interesting history and sense of space for our educational community. Vault doors and a six-story basement that houses a renowned literature archive makes it seem as if we are learning above a museum.
Classrooms from Kindergarten through Grade 10 are well provisioned and students have the use of an excellent online as well as onsite flexible learning commons / library, a cafeteria and music area and a central meeting / assembly space known as “Treffpunkt Learning.”
Excellent Science and Art / Design facilities have been recently renovated and the campus features playground facilities both around the school and on a protected roof deck garden. All classrooms are well provisioned with technology tools and our IT environment provides a well-supported 1:1 bring your own laptop expectation for Grades 6-10.
Collaboration with the Böblingen Sport Verein (local health club) to provide external sports and health facilities highlights the school’s close connections with the local community, augmenting the campus’ signature experiential and interlingual approach.

Did you know that our Sindelfingen building used to be a bank?! We sometimes have PE in a real vault, and some classes, even the Kindergarten playground, are on the rooftop!
The small class sizes are helpful for my children to receive individualized attention and help. I feel that most of the time the summative assessments build on larger concepts that help my children think about the “bigger picture”.
What you can do here
The campus offers a variety of afternoon activities albeit to a smaller population. An important characteristic is the commitment to experiential holistic learning and local integration. There is a tradition of student-initiated activities such as the student-produced musical. Students are also involved in local science competitions, and meet often with regional leaders who visit the campus or host students in their place of work. Students can partake of our afternoon program that features small group activities, join a local sports club or participate in music activities such as a collaboration with the Stuttgart Opera.
Our emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM is the international version of what the Germans refer to as “MINT”) leads to students having programming and design opportunities as well. Younger students participate in full-day events celebrating languages and STEAM.
If you love science, technology, reading, or music, then this is the place for you! We have lots of resources and great learning spaces. I love Treffpunkt Learning, where there are lots of books and reading corners! In the Primary School we use school iPads and the Middle Years kids bring their own laptops.

Community Connections
Given its small size and closely connected parental community, Students on this campus participate in programs such as “Take a Student to Work” and become involved with local businesses through internships and other opportunities. Innovative global companies provide Sindelfingen students the chance to experience the world outside of school that in turn, supports the overall relevance of the academic learning that takes place in the classroom.
Older students on this campus often work with younger students and the sense of community within the parental and professional body is greatly appreciated. For example, Sindelfingen parents often sponsor academic and social activities such as a local Weihnachtsmarkt stand (Sindelfingen Christmas Market), a Runathon for India and Parental and Career days. Associations with local cultural institutions like Sindelfingen Schauwerk (an art museum) or a renowned local music school.
The world is transforming particularly here in Europe. Technological advances, increasing globalization and widespread migration create both new opportunities and challenges. Students and staff on both campuses are involved in the EU’s Erasmus program which allows for job shadowing in another European country and allows schools to partner with other schools in Europe to improve teaching and learning approaches.
We have been involved in projects that include: “Digital Citizens in Action” with partner schools from Latvia and Turkey, “Promoting European Traditions by means of Dual Language Teaching” with schools in Holland, Estonia and Spain and “We rethink our Playgrounds as a Learning Environment” with partner schools from Poland, Italy and the UK.
At ISS we believe that a transparent and reflective partnership between students, teachers and family is fundamental to our mission. Therefore we utilize various online tools to provide fully transparent assessment and curricular information for both students and their families. We also keep our community connected through a password-protected portal system where families can find the latest newsletters, calendars, community announcements and cultural activities.
In summary, our school is more than an academic institution. It is a community center too and we believe that by working together in partnership with our parents, we can inspire, challenge and support every member of our community to become positive participants in a changing world.
The mission of the Parent Teachers Group (PTG) at ISS is to build a partnership between home and school that will enhance the academic, social and cultural development of the students and to offer continued enrichment for the ISS Community. In pursuing this mission the PTG works cooperatively with the Head of Campus.
The PTG is a positive force for integrating parents into the school community.
In addition to the fun projects that we do in class, I also participate in the After School Activities Program and play sports with the German kids in the local Sportverein. This is a great way for me to learn more German and to develop my athletic skills. I also always look forward to the school musical each year.