Be Inspired
Develop your Talents
School Concert Band
This is a large group of woodwind and brass players who build up their repertoire and concert experience at rehearsals each Wednesday after school. Anyone who plays a band instrument is welcome to attend.
The Choir
The choir meets on Mondays after school to learn music ranging from the 1600s to the present day. There are numerous opportunities for this group to perform, and anyone with an interest in singing is invited to become a member.
ISS does a great job of making kids and families comfortable at extracurricular and community events.
The School Play
Each year our school presents a play that runs in the Aula on three consecutive evenings. Students will see posters around the school before Christmas, advertising auditions for the selected play. Any student who is interested in acting and moving should audition to be a member of the cast. These shows are a highlight for many members of our school community.
The School Musical
One of the highlights of the Performing Arts Calendar is the School Musical. Each year a musical is selected for which students have to audition. The rehearsals take place after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for about three months before the show opens. Being a member of the cast, crew or orchestra is a tremendous experience for young students. One of the highlights of the Performing Arts Calendar is the School Musical. Each year a musical is selected for which students have to audition. The rehearsals take place after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays for about three months before the show opens. Being a member of the cast, crew or orchestra is a tremendous experience for young students. Students at the Sindelfingen Campus have the opportunity to participate in the Sindelfingen School Play or audition for the musical and play at the Degerloch Campus.
Instrumental Music
Our Instrumental Program at the Degerloch campus is designed to compliment our music curriculum. We have numerous well-qualified and multi-lingual teachers who visit the school daily. Lessons take place after school on campus. Currently we offer lessons in: voice, piano, violin, cello, double bass, flute, guitar, trombone, trumpet and drum kit. Students also participate in our Orchestra, the Jazz Band and the Big Band.
To learn more about the Instrumental Music Program, please click here. To read about tuition fees for the private instrumental lessons and to find the tuition contract, please click here.
An extra-curricular Music Program (band and choir) is also offered on the Sindelfingen Campus, together with an annual program of instrumental lessons.
ISS does a great job of keeping the students engaged. The big-picture thinking and awareness of global issues is exciting for the students and parents.
After School Activities
The goal of the ISS After School Sports and Activities Program is to provide and coordinate a variety of competitive, noncompetitive and recreational activities for our students to further develop physical, social and interpersonal abilities. The program enhances the ISS experience, promotes our school’s identity and helps to prepare our students for future challenges. The International School of Stuttgart e.V. is a global and international school community that gives its students opportunities to grow in many different ways. Learning is always at the heart of all we do. However, learning can happen in many places, not just inside the classroom. It is for this reason that we try to offer a wide variety of activities for all students, in sports and many other different activities. We always hope that as many students as possible take advantage of these opportunities. Learn more!
German International School Sports Tournaments
ISS is a member of the German International School Sports Tournaments (GISST) league. Within this league, ISS athletes will be able to compete against other International Schools across German in friendly matches and tournaments. ISS GISST teams are competitive in nature and rosters will be decided by a try-out process when necessary. Students in Grades 6 through 12 are invited and encouraged to participate. Varsity teams involve students who are 13 to 18 years old on September 1st of the school year in which they wish to compete. U14 teams involve students who are 10 to 13 years old on September 1st of the school year in which they wish to compete.
In Germany, sports are not organized by the schools, but rather in sport clubs called “Sportverein.” Wherever possible and appropriate, the ISS competitive sports teams are organized this way. The forming of the ISS Sportverein (SV-ISS) has since enabled many opportunities for our teams to compete on a regular basis, providing a foundation of experience needed to compete internationally. The SV-ISS teams play in local leagues against other Vereine in the Stuttgart area. More information regarding the Sportverein can be found at Sportverein der Internationalen Schule Stuttgart e.V. (
No matter which campus I am on, I have access to a variety of after school programs. These range from cooking, circus, and robotics, to several different sports. ISS is part of the German international schools league called GISST, which plans many tournaments for us.
Become a Global Citizen
At the heart of our International Baccalaureate programs is the Learner Profile, which is an aspirational description of the attributes that we wish for our students to develop.
International-mindedness and and the ideals of global citizenship are therefore embedded in all aspects of our programs, however we do also offer special opportunities for our students to expand their experiences beyond the classroom.
International Award
The International Award is known as ‘das Jugendprogramm’ in Germany or the ‘Duke of Edinburgh’ award in the UK, and over 7 million young people have participated worldwide. The Award program is closely aligned with our school’s mission and can be viewed as a partner to the IB programs offered at ISS.
The Award program is available to students from the age of 14 years and is designed to challenge personal development in the areas of service, skill and physical recreation. The students also plan and take part in expeditions after having received training in first aid, orienteering and camping skills. The program leads to three award levels (bronze, silver and gold), which demand an increasing degree of commitment and competence in all sections. We are proud to have an enthusiastic team of teachers, parents and student award holders who look forward to supervising many more of our students taking the challenge.
Model United Nations
MUNISS is the Model United Nations (MUN) conference hosted annually by ISS. In Model United Nations students have the opportunity to take part in a conference that mirrors the United Nations (UN), debating current issues with students from other schools around the world and learning about the way the UN works and about political systems and political problems worldwide. Each student is assigned a country to represent. They research that country’s political system and attitudes in order to be able to present and defend their case and persuade other delegates to vote with them.
Taking part in the Duke program is both fun and challenging. It is a wonderful experience to help you learn to cope with nature, cooperate with team members and, most importantly of all, it might help you to overcome your fear of insects!
KIVA is a non-profit micro-financing organization whose mission is to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. In October 2015, a number of interested and committed Grade 11 Business Management and Geography students came together and founded the International School of Stuttgart KIVA Lending Team. In their first year of operation, students were able to raise over $15,775 in micro-finance loans. In total, this amounted to 561 loans made in a total of 44 countries. The sectors that students chose to support were mainly agriculture, clothing and retail.
Each year, from January until March, the Leonhardskirche in the centre of Stuttgart opens its doors to the homeless and less fortunate. Students and staff volunteer on Saturdays and Sundays, where they are put to work making many sandwiches and serving food.
International Café
Since autumn 2016 the school has run a monthly International Café, hosting refugee families from 2 local refugee centres. The International Café offers staff, students and their families an opportunity to get to know the refugees living within our local community. During the Café, adults have the opportunity to sit and chat over coffee and cake, while children are entertained with games led by senior students and other volunteers.
Europe is changing quickly. Technological advances, increasing globalization and widespread migration create both new opportunities and challenges. We strive to play a key role in meeting these challenges by driving education forward and being in the forefront of change and innovation.
Learn more about Erasmus+:
ISS does a great job of keeping the students engaged. The big-picture thinking and awareness of global issues is exciting for the students and parents.