Non-Discrimination Statement
In August 2006 the German parliament passed the General Equal Treatment Act (the Act). Since then information and training activities have been undertaken in workplaces all over Germany. Here at ISS, we have informed and trained members of the Leadership team. The next step is to provide this notification and detail of the Act to faculty and staff.
Our Discrimination-Free School
All of us who work in our school come from different backgrounds, cultures and nationalities. We differ in gender and have various types of sexual identity. We have different faiths and various ideologies. We are older or younger, disabled or not disabled. Our daily work and lives profit from this diversity.
Each person, however, has the right to fair and equal treatment and to be protected against discrimination and harassment. A school culture based on fairness, mutual respect and trust in dealing with each other forms the basis for our current and future successful cooperation. It is the task of each of us to make a contribution to this goal and create a climate of partnership in which discrimination has no chance. This requires openness and tolerance in dealing with each other.
The Act is intended to protect employees from disadvantages and improve protection against discrimination, especially in the workplace. The prohibition of discrimination is directed not only at employers, but also focuses particularly on discrimination among co-workers.
Violations against the Act may result in consequences under the employment law. If you feel that you are discriminated against under the terms of the Act, please contact your Principal (teaching staff) or Line Manager (administrative staff) in the first instance. He/she can offer support and advise regarding further action. Our school’s “Beschwerdestelle” is the Business Manager.
The original German text of the Act – “Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG)” – is available in both staff rooms in Degerloch and in the staff room in Sindelfingen. There is a leaflet summarizing said act that is also available.