16th Annual Model United Nations Conference at ISS

ISS welcomed over 400 delegates to the 16th annual Model United Nations Conference with guest speakers from the US Foreign Service and the European Parliament. The chosen theme for this year’s conference is “the balance and distribution of power in the world” focusing on the UN Sustainable Development Goal 16: “Peace Justice, and Strong Institutions.” A … Continued

Honouring our Graduating Class

Thank you to all who attended the BBQ event in honour of our graduating class. With this small gesture, we wanted to congratulate our students on their IB journey so far and thank them for their valuable contributions to our learning community. We hope that they enjoyed the food, music, fun/sport-related activities, and atmosphere that … Continued

Middle Years Learning Beyond the Classroom

Once again, our Sindelfingen students were out engaging in learning activities within our local/regional communities – all part of our learning beyond the classroom initiative. Students in Grades 8-10 went to Stuttgart and focused on the issues of homelessness and defensive architecture. The organization Trottwar offered a tour and insights into the situation of homeless … Continued

Supporting the Community

From January to March, 36,000 dinners and 20,000 sandwich bags have been served to people in need in Stuttgart. Hundreds of volunteers from all over Stuttgart have worked together to make this happen and students from Grade 11 and 12 have been part of this effort, volunteering on Saturdays and Sundays. This year, due to … Continued

Platon School Model United Nations

ISS students had the opportunity to engage in debates and negotiations on important global issues at the Platon School Model United Nations (PS-MUN) Conference in Athens. It was inspiring to see how different perspectives and ideas came together to find dynamic solutions to complex problems.

Say no to bullying and violence! Don’t be aggressive! Be assertive!

Drawing on research and their own experiences, Grade 7 students used their creative and collaborative skills to produce an entertaining yet educational presentation about bullying and violence which they presented with incredible confidence and professionalism at assembly. Students highlighted the causes, impacts, responses, and solutions to bullying and violence, with the hope of alerting their peers … Continued

ISS Alumni in the News

Aline Krauter (Class of 2018) spent 12 years at ISS before graduating from Stanford University in 2022 (International Relations). Her long-term goal is to work as a professional golfer for the next three years; “after that, I’ll reflect and see how things progress,” she says. Congratulations to Aline for the Ladies European Tour (LET) season, … Continued

Learning New Skills

As an introduction to Service as Action the Grade 6 students collaborated to design and make a quilt for the School Nurse’s room. The idea was the quilt would help sick students or teachers feel warm and the colourful and happy pictures would be cheering and help the person to feel better. Students first sketched … Continued

Where is Africa?

Grade 8 students had the opportunity to visit the Linden Museum collection to explore “Where is Africa?” as part of their studies in Individuals and Societies. Students were able to explore exhibits including the Middle East, South and East Asia, South America, and the Pacific. Those entailed artefacts, clothing, religion and more which perfectly summed … Continued

Sound Advice

Mr. Scavillo, CFO of AriensCo, introduced our Financial Unit to the Grade 11 Business Management class by sharing his career path, business advice, and financial accounts such as the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account. The students enjoyed asking questions and applying their course knowledge to a real-life example.